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طَاب اللَّمُون عَالشَّجر

يَا مِين يهِزّ الشَّجر

لما رواه المطر

يعبي به حجره

مَحلاك يَا لِيل القَمَر

لَمَّا حَبيبي ظهر

يَا مين يهزّ القَمر

وعينيه ضيا بدره 

زَهْر اللَّمون عَالشَّجر

هَزّ القلوب الحَجر

نُوَّارُو لما بدر

شَمِّيت هَوَا عطره

The lemons are ripe on the tree

And whoever shakes the tree

after it has been watered by rain

will fill his lap with lemons


How beautiful you are , night of the moon

when my love appeared

And whoever shakes the moon 

his eyes are the moonlight


The lemon tree blossoms

shock the rocky hearts

When its flowers appeared

I smelled its perfume is love

Lyrics by Samir Saady,

composed by Yolla & Bachar Khalifé 

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